Museum of Ephemerata

Acting on a tip from Prentiss, Gwen and I saw the amazing and mysterious Museum of Ephemerata.

The Museum is only open to the public rarely, but is chock full of curiosities, many of which are (dare I say) entirely invented and false, such as the “yeti toy.” This itself has a long history dating back to P.T. Barnum’s Dime Museum, as they informed us on the tour. But it is presented with such panache that you enjoy going along for the ride. If the curators were more pretentious, I’d have to call what they’re doing “performance art.” But they aren’t, so I won’t.

1 thought on “Museum of Ephemerata”

  1. A museum open to the public only rarely???

    Well then, [LAPSING INTO MONTY PYTHON “CHEESE SHOP” SKIT IMITATION] It ’tisn’t really much of a museum at ‘TALL then, IS it?

    Sounds like fun, maybe I should try to catch the next public opening …

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