April 20, 2002

Carlos in town

Got together with Carlos (visiting from NYC) and his fabled squeeze Rachel (who is really cool, and visiting from AZ), Greg, Dave, Chris, and a cast of thousands. Sushi at Kyoto, beer at Elephant Room, more beer at Gingerman, still more beer at Lovejoy’s (at which point I bowed out). Walking from Gingerman to Lovejoy’s is kind of weird, because you navigate an obstacle-course of musical entertainment–walk past one bar with one kind of band, next to another with another, and so on.

It’s spring, and the flora

It’s spring, and the flora around Austin are all in a tizzy. This is good and bad.

Roses, wisteria, honeysuckle, et al are in bloom, and a walk through my neighborhood is a party for my nose.

But the allergy-spawning pollens are in the air too.