August 19, 2003

Revised firedancing equipment recipes

I got into the whole sideline of making firedancing equipment because of my How to make firedancing apparatus webpage. People found the page, and offered to pay me to make the stuff for them. Reversing the normal order of things, I started making the equipment quasi-commercially about six months before I actually started using it.

Anyhow, that page is pretty musty and ugly. I had it in my mind that this might be a good (though untraditional) application of Movable Type, and so I started hacking something together, photographing my production process, etc. Yesterday, I got something usable posted. So far I’ve only documented the recipe for wicks, but more will come. Once I flesh out those pages a little more, I’ll be taking down the old page.

Speedy service

I posted a lazyweb request concerning the creation of foaf files a couple days ago. One of the guys who appears to be the prime movers in the world of foaf, Jim Ley, whipped together a little converter that takes tabbed data and spits out the “knows” portion of a foaf file. You’ll probably want to use the foafamatic to create a shell foaf file with your own data and maybe one friend , then export your contact data from whatever dark cave you store it in into tabular form and run it through Jim’s widget, and finally merge the two. A little clunky, yes, but a big improvement over what we had before.

Once your done, check out your handiwork in the foaf explorer.